rochelle thevasagayam

Rochelle Thevasagayam is a Sri Lankan-Canadian singer, actor, and creator born in Scarborough, Ontario. Rochelle is a graduate of the theatre and drama studies joint program with the University of Toronto and Sheridan College.
As a young girl, Rochelle began singing alongside her family. Growing up with parents who were sick with Cancer and Crohn’s disease, Rochelle soon realized that theatre and music made her days bright. Singing was something she did with her family and theatre was the key that unlocked Rochelle’s creative mind. As Rochelle grew up, her love for singing and theatre grew the more she pursued the two.
As Rochelle enters the industry, she is eager to take on new challenges that it has to offer. Rochelle is keen on being a part of unique and honest work as she grows as an artist.

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some sneak peaks